Source code for octoai.clients.image_gen

"""OctoAI Image Generation."""
from __future__ import (
    annotations,  # required to allow 3.7+ python use type | syntax introduced in 3.10

from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List

from clients.image_gen.models import ImageEncoding, Scheduler, SDXLStyles
from clients.image_gen.models.pre_defined_styles import PreDefinedStyles
from octoai.client import Client
from octoai.clients.asset_orch import Asset
from octoai.errors import OctoAIValidationError
from octoai.types import Image

    1024: {1024, 768},
    896: {1152, 896},
    832: {1216, 512},
    768: {1344, 1024, 576, 512},
    704: {1216, 384},
    640: {1536, 768, 640},
    576: {1024, 448, 768},
    512: {832, 768, 704, 512},
    448: {576},
    384: {704},
    1536: {640},
    1344: {768},
    1216: {832, 704},
    1152: {896},

    576: {1024, 768},
    512: {512, 704, 768},
    640: {512, 768},
    768: {512},
    1024: {576},

    640: {1536},
    768: {1344},
    832: {1216},
    896: {1152},
    1024: {1024},
    1152: {896},
    1216: {832},
    1344: {768},
    1536: {640},


[docs]class Engine(str, Enum): """ SDXL: Stable Diffusion XL SD: Stable Diffusion """ SDXL = "sdxl" SD = "sd" SSD = "ssd" CONTROLNET_SDXL = "controlnet-sdxl" CONTROLNET_SD = "controlnet-sd"
[docs] def to_name(self): if self == self.SDXL: return "Stable Diffusion XL" elif self == self.SD: return "Stable Diffusion" elif self == self.SSD: return "Stable Diffusion SSD" elif self == self.CONTROLNET_SDXL: return "ControlNet Stable Diffusion XL" elif self == self.CONTROLNET_SD: return "ControlNet Stable Diffusion 1.5"
[docs]class ImageGenerateResponse: """ Image generation response. Contains a list of images as well as a counter of those filtered for safety. """ def __init__(self, images: List[Image], removed_for_safety: int): self._images = images self._removed_for_safety = removed_for_safety @property def images(self) -> List[Image]: """Return list of :class:`Image` generated from request.""" return self._images @property def removed_for_safety(self) -> int: """Return int representing number of images removed for safety.""" return self._removed_for_safety
[docs]class ImageGenerator(Client): """Client for image generation.""" def __init__( self, api_endpoint: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ): if not api_endpoint: api_endpoint = "" if not api_endpoint.endswith("/"): api_endpoint += "/" self.api_endpoint = api_endpoint super(ImageGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._httpx_client.headers.get("Authorization") is None: msg = ( "Authorization is required. Please set an `OCTOAI_TOKEN` " "environment variable, or pass your token to the client using " "`client = ImageGenerator(token='your-octoai-api-token')`" ) raise OctoAIValidationError(msg) # Raises OctoAIValidationError on failure to validate variable. # Does not validate strings currently, though should once API is stable. # TODO: standardize error strings (once more input types are known). def _validate_inputs( self, engine: Engine | str, cfg_scale: float | None, height: int | None, high_noise_frac: float | None, num_images: int | None, seed: int | None, steps: int | None, strength: float | None, width: int | None, image_encoding: ImageEncoding | str | None, sampler: Scheduler | str | None, prompt_2: str | None, negative_prompt_2: str | None, use_refiner: bool | None, init_image: str | None = None, controlnet: str | None = None, controlnet_image: str | None = None, controlnet_conditioning_scale: float | None = None, style_preset: str | None = None, ): """Validate inputs.""" engines = [e.value for e in Engine] if engine not in engines: raise OctoAIValidationError( f"engine set to {engine}. Must be one of: {', '.join(engines)}." ) # Check only compatible with engine attributes being used if high_noise_frac and engine == "sd": self._input_not_match_engine( "high_noise_frac", high_noise_frac, engine, "sdxl" ) if prompt_2 and engine == "sd": self._input_not_match_engine("prompt_2", prompt_2, engine, "sdxl") if negative_prompt_2 and engine == "sd": self._input_not_match_engine( "negative_prompt_2", negative_prompt_2, engine, "sdxl" ) if use_refiner is not None and engine == "sd": self._input_not_match_engine("use_refiner", use_refiner, engine, "sdxl") # Check number values in range if cfg_scale is not None and ((0 > cfg_scale) or (MAX_CFG_SCALE < cfg_scale)): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"cfg_scale set to: {cfg_scale}. Allowable range is > 0 and <= {MAX_CFG_SCALE}." ) if high_noise_frac is not None and (0 > high_noise_frac or high_noise_frac > 1): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"high_noise_frac set to: {high_noise_frac}. Allowable range is " f">= 0 and <= 1." ) if num_images is not None and (0 >= num_images or num_images > MAX_NUM_IMAGES): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"num_images set to: {num_images}. Allowable range is > 0 and <= {MAX_NUM_IMAGES}." ) if isinstance(seed, list): for each in seed: if each is not None and (0 > each or each >= 2**32): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"seed({seed}) contains {each}. Allowable range is >= 0 and " f"< 2**32." ) if type(seed) == int and (0 > seed or seed >= 2**32): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"seed set to: {seed}. Allowable range is >= 0 and < 2**32." ) if steps is not None and (0 >= steps or steps > MAX_STEPS): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"steps set to: {steps}. Allowable range is > 0 and <= {MAX_STEPS}." ) if strength is not None and (0 > strength or strength > 1): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"strength set to: {strength}. Allowable range is >= 0 and <= 1." ) if ( controlnet_conditioning_scale is not None and controlnet_conditioning_scale < 0 ): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"controlnet_conditional_scale set to: {controlnet_conditioning_scale}." " Allowable range is >= 0." ) # More verifying required value if strength is not None and init_image is None: raise OctoAIValidationError( f"init_image required for img2img generation. " f"strength({strength}) cannot be set if " f"init_image is None." ) if style_preset is not None and engine == "sd": self._input_not_match_engine("style_preset", style_preset, engine, "sdxl") if style_preset is not None and engine == "sdxl": try: style_preset = PreDefinedStyles(style_preset) except ValueError: msg = ( f"style_preset({style_preset}) is not valid. " f"Valid options include {[e.value for e in SDXLStyles]}." ) raise OctoAIValidationError(msg) # Validate width and height to engine if (height is None) ^ (width is None): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"if height({height}) or width({width}) is set " f"to None, both must be None." ) engine = Engine(engine) if height is not None and width is not None: self._validate_height_and_width_to_engine(engine, height, width) if init_image is not None: if not isinstance(init_image, Image): init_image = Image(init_image) if not init_image.is_valid(): msg = ( "init_image is not a valid image. May either use the " "octoai.types Image class or a base64 string." ) raise OctoAIValidationError(msg) if controlnet_image is not None: if not isinstance(controlnet_image, Image): controlnet_image = Image(controlnet_image) if not controlnet_image.is_valid(): msg = ( "controlnet_image is not a valid image. May either use the " "octoai.types Image class or a base64 string." ) raise OctoAIValidationError(msg) if engine in [ Engine.CONTROLNET_SDXL, Engine.CONTROLNET_SDXL.value, Engine.CONTROLNET_SD, Engine.CONTROLNET_SD.value, ]: if controlnet_image is None: raise OctoAIValidationError( f"controlnet_image is required for engine {engine}." ) if controlnet is None: raise OctoAIValidationError( f"controlnet is required for engine {engine}." ) # Server will return a 500 error if incorrect height and width are entered @staticmethod def _validate_height_and_width_to_engine(engine: Engine, height: int, width: int): width_to_height_by_engine = { Engine.SDXL.value: SDXL_ALLOWABLE_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT, Engine.SD.value: SD_ALLOWABLE_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT, Engine.SSD.value: SSD_ALLOWABLE_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT, Engine.CONTROLNET_SDXL.value: SDXL_ALLOWABLE_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT, Engine.CONTROLNET_SD.value: SD_ALLOWABLE_WIDTH_TO_HEIGHT, } # Set to correct const allowable values width_to_height = width_to_height_by_engine.get(engine) if width_to_height.get(width) is None: raise OctoAIValidationError( f"width ({width}): height ({height}) " f"values must match {engine.to_name()} allowable values or both be " f"None. Valid values for width are {list(width_to_height.keys())}." ) if height not in width_to_height.get(width): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"width ({width}): height ({height}) " f"values must match {engine.to_name()} allowable values or both be " f"None. Valid width:height values are: {width_to_height}." ) @staticmethod def _input_not_match_engine(name, value, engine, ok_engine): raise OctoAIValidationError( f"{name}({value}) is set but engine is set to " f"{engine}. {name} can only be used with {ok_engine}." ) # May be worthwhile to limit steps to 50, but at this time, 100 matches the UI # num_images limit of 10 temp set by Itay, but part of larger limit # discussion.
[docs] def generate( self, engine: Engine | str, prompt: str, prompt_2: str | None = None, # SDXL only negative_prompt: str | None = None, negative_prompt_2: str | None = None, # SDXL only checkpoint: str | Asset | None = None, vae: str | Asset | None = None, textual_inversions: Dict[str | Asset, str] | None = None, loras: Dict[str | Asset, float] | None = None, sampler: str | Scheduler | None = None, # Server default DDIM height: int | None = None, # Different defaults for sdxl and sd width: int | None = None, cfg_scale: float | None = 12.0, steps: int | None = 30, num_images: int | None = 1, seed: int | List[int] | None = None, init_image: str | Image | None = None, # b64, img2img only controlnet: str | None = None, # controlnet-sdxl|sd only controlnet_image: str | Image | None = None, # b64, controlnet-sdxl|sd only controlnet_conditioning_scale: float | None = None, # 1.0 server default, controlnet-sdxl|sd only strength: float | None = None, # 0.8 server default, img2img only style_preset: str | SDXLStyles | None = None, use_refiner: bool | None = None, # True default, SDXL only high_noise_frac: float | None = None, # 0.8 server default, SDXL only enable_safety: bool | None = True, image_encoding: ImageEncoding | str = None, ) -> ImageGenerateResponse: """ Generate a list of images based on request. :param engine: Required. "sdxl" for Stable Diffusion XL; "sd" for Stable Diffusion 1.5; "ssd" for Stable Diffusion SSD; "controlnet-sdxl" for ControlNet Stable Diffusion XL; "controlnet-sd" for ControlNet Stable Diffusion 1.5. :param prompt: Required. Describes the image to generate. ex. "An octopus playing chess, masterpiece, photorealistic" :param prompt_2: High level description of the image to generate, defaults to None. :param negative_prompt: Description of image traits to avoid, defaults to None. ex. "Fingers, distortions" :param negative_prompt_2: High level description of things to avoid during generation, defaults to None. ex. "Unusual proportions and distorted faces" :param checkpoint: Which checkpoint to use for inferences, defaults to None. :param vae: Custom VAE to be used during image generation, defaults to None. :param textual_inversions: A dictionary of textual inversion updates, defaults to None ex. {'name': 'trigger_word'} :param loras: A dictionary of LoRAs updates to apply and their weight, can also be used with Assets created in the SDK directly, defaults to None. ex. {'crayon-style': 0.3, my_created_asset: 0.1} :param sampler: :class:`Scheduler` to use when generating image, defaults to None. :param height: Height of image to generate, defaults to None. :param width: Width of image to generate, defaults to None. :param cfg_scale: How closely to adhere to prompt description, defaults to 12.0. Must be >= 0 and <= 50. :param steps: How many steps of diffusion to run, defaults to 30. May be > 0 and <= 100. :param num_images: How many images to generate, defaults to 1. May be > 0 and <= 4. :param seed: Fixed random seed, useful when attempting to generate a specific image, defaults to None. May be >= 0 < 2**32. :param init_image: Starting image for img2img mode, defaults to None. Requires a b64 string image or :class:`Image`. :param controlnet: String matching id of controlnet to use for controlnet engine inferences, defaults to None. Required for using controlnet engines. :param controlnet_image: Starting image for controlnet-sdxl mode, defaults to None. Requires a b64 string image or :class:`Image`. :param controlnet_conditioning_scale: How strong the effect of the controlnet should be, defaults to 1.0. :param strength: How much creative to be in img2img mode, defaults to 0.8. May be >= 0 and <= 1. Must have an `init_image`. :param style_preset: Used to guide the output image towards a particular style, only usable with SDXL,defaults to None. ex. "low-poly" :param use_refiner: Whether to apply the sdxl refiner, defaults to True. :param high_noise_frac: Which fraction of steps to perform with the base model, defaults to 0.8. May be >= 0 and <= 1. :param enable_safety: Whether to use safety checking on generated outputs or not, defaults to True. :param image_encoding: Choose returned :class:`ImageEncoding` type, defaults to :class:`ImageEncoding.JPEG`. :return: :class:`GenerateImagesResponse` object including properties for a list of images as well as a counter of total images returned below the `num_images` value due to being removed for safety. """ self._validate_inputs( engine, cfg_scale, height, high_noise_frac, num_images, seed, steps, strength, width, image_encoding, sampler, prompt_2, negative_prompt_2, use_refiner, init_image, controlnet, controlnet_image, controlnet_conditioning_scale, style_preset, ) if isinstance(init_image, Image): init_image = init_image.to_base64() if isinstance(controlnet_image, Image): controlnet_image = controlnet_image.to_base64() inputs = self._process_local_vars_to_inputs_dict(locals()) images = [] endpoint = self.api_endpoint + "generate/" + engine output = self.infer(endpoint, inputs) removed_for_safety = 0 for image_b64 in output.get("images"): if image_b64.get("removed_for_safety"): removed_for_safety += 1 else: image_b64_str = image_b64.get("image_b64") image = Image(image_b64_str) images.append(image) return ImageGenerateResponse( images=images, removed_for_safety=removed_for_safety )
# If the key is of type str, it does nothing, otherwise it returns a dict where # objects with id fields have the id field used as the key instead. # Examples are Assets as keys. @staticmethod def _replace_object_keys_with_ids(obj_dict: dict) -> dict: result = {} for key, value in obj_dict.items(): if isinstance(key, Asset): key = elif type(key) != str: msg = ( f"key({key}) is invalid. `loras` and `textual_inversions` " f"require keys in dictionary to either be a str " f"or :class:`Asset`." ) raise OctoAIValidationError(msg) result[key] = value return result # Purges irrelevant locals from inputs dict and converts Asset type to ids def _process_local_vars_to_inputs_dict(self, inputs): inputs.pop("self") for key in list(inputs): if inputs[key] is None: inputs.pop(key) inputs.pop("engine") if "loras" in inputs: inputs["loras"] = self._replace_object_keys_with_ids(inputs["loras"]) if "textual_inversions" in inputs: inputs["textual_inversions"] = self._replace_object_keys_with_ids( inputs["textual_inversions"] ) if isinstance(inputs.get("vae"), Asset): inputs["vae"] = inputs["vae"].id if isinstance(inputs.get("checkpoint"), Asset): inputs["checkpoint"] = inputs["checkpoint"].id return inputs