Source code for octoai.server

Server for OctoAI endpoints created with the ``octoai`` CLI.

Developers that want to create an endpoint should not use
this module directly. Instead, they should use the ``octoai``
command-line interface, which directs them to implement the
``octoai.service.Service`` class and use the ``octoai`` CLI to help
build and deploy their endpoint.
import asyncio
import dataclasses
import enum
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from http import HTTPStatus
from multiprocessing import Pipe, Process, Queue
from multiprocessing.connection import Connection
from typing import Any, Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Type

import chevron
import click
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, Response
from pydantic import BaseModel

from octoai import documenter
from octoai.documenter import MustacheGenerationResult

from .service import (

_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_OCTOAI_SERVICE_MODULE = "octoai.service"

"""Delay in seconds between checking if the predict loop is running."""

_process_mutex = multiprocessing.Lock()
"""Lock for spawning predict loop."""

"""Sent to predict loop process to terminate it."""

_LOAD_MODEL_MESSAGE = "load_model"
"""Sent from predict loop when it is loading the model."""

_MODEL_LOADED_MESSAGE = "model_loaded"
"""Sent from predict loop when it is ready for inference."""

"""Exit status code when store asset is required."""

"""Exit status code when store asset is not required."""

[docs]class ServiceMethod(enum.Enum): """Class for distinguishing route implementations in the request queue.""" INFER_JSON = "infer" INFER_FORM_DATA = "infer_form_data"
[docs]class InferenceRequest(NamedTuple): """Class for returning inference results.""" response_pipe: Connection method: str inputs: Any
[docs]class InferenceResponse(NamedTuple): """Class for returning inference results.""" inference_time_ms: float outputs: Any
[docs]def is_store_assets_needed(ctx) -> bool: """Check if store-assets step is required.""" def check_store_assets_overriden(queue, ctx, dummy) -> None: service = load_service( ctx.parent.params["service_module"], class_name=ctx.parent.params["service_class"], ) queue.put(not hasattr(service.store_assets, STORE_ASSETS_NOT_OVERRIDDEN)) queue: Queue[bool] = Queue() p = Process(target=check_store_assets_overriden, args=(queue, ctx, 0)) p.start() p.join(timeout=10) result = queue.get() return result
[docs]def maybe_set_volume_environment_variables(ctx) -> None: """Set volume environment variables if needed.""" if not is_store_assets_needed(ctx): return for key, value in VOLUME_ENVIRONMENT.items(): os.environ[key] = value
def _predict_loop(service, _request_queue): """Loop which handles prediction requests. This loop runs for the duration of the server and receives prediction requests posted to the _REQUEST_QUEUE. When the request is done processing the results are posted to the response_pipe where they are handled by the main /predict endpoint. """ startup_pipe = _request_queue.get() startup_pipe.send(_LOAD_MODEL_MESSAGE) try: service.setup() except Exception as e: _LOG.error("_predict_loop: model setup failed with {e}", exc_info=1) startup_pipe.send(e) startup_pipe.close() return startup_pipe.send(_MODEL_LOADED_MESSAGE) startup_pipe.close() def signal_handler(_signum, _frame): # This will only kill the _predict_loop process, not the parent sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) while True: try: inference_request = _request_queue.get() if ( isinstance(inference_request, type(_TERMINATE_PREDICT_LOOP_REQUEST)) and inference_request == _TERMINATE_PREDICT_LOOP_REQUEST ): sys.exit() try: start_time = time.perf_counter_ns() infer_fn = getattr(service, inference_request.method) results = infer_fn(**inference_request.inputs) stop_time = time.perf_counter_ns() response = InferenceResponse((stop_time - start_time) / 1e9, results) except Exception as e: _LOG.error("infer() raised Exception", exc_info=1) response = e inference_request.response_pipe.send(response) inference_request.response_pipe.close() except Exception: # We only end up here if something went wrong outside the predict call # continue loop pass
[docs]class Server: """ Server for OctoAI endpoints created with the ``octoai`` CLI. Developers that want to create an endpoint should not use this class directly. Instead, they should use the ``octoai`` command-line interface, which directs them to implement the ``octoai.service.Service`` class and use the ``octoai`` CLI to help build and deploy their endpoint. """
def __init__(self, service: Service, async_enable: bool = True): = FastAPI(lifespan=lambda _: self.prepare_for_serving()) self.service: Service = service self._state = self.State.UNINITIALIZED self.is_async = async_enable self._request_queue: multiprocessing.Queue[Any] = None self._predict_loop_watchdog_task: asyncio.Task = None self.response_headers = { "OCTOAI_REPLICA_NAME": os.environ.get("OCTOAI_REPLICA_NAME", ""), } # Build Pydantic models for input/ouput for /infer route Input = inspect_input_types(service.infer) Output = inspect_output_types(service.infer) # Build Pydantic models for input/output for additional routes Inputs, Outputs = {}, {} additional_endpoints = find_additional_endpoints(service) for method_name, method_info in additional_endpoints.items(): method, _ = method_info Inputs[method_name] = inspect_input_types(method) Outputs[method_name] = inspect_output_types(method) # Used to read from the request queue in async mode async def _pipe_reader(read: Connection): """Async multiprocessing.Pipe reader. :param read: pipe file handle to read from. :return: the contents of the pipe when read. """ data_available = asyncio.Event() asyncio.get_event_loop().add_reader(read.fileno(), data_available.set) if not read.poll(): await data_available.wait() result = read.recv() data_available.clear() asyncio.get_event_loop().remove_reader(read.fileno()) return result # Async mode: Put request in the queue for predict loop # Sync mode: Call predict method directly async def _infer_common( service_method: str, method_args: Dict[str, Any], output_type: Type[BaseModel], ) -> Response: if not self.is_running: return JSONResponse( status_code=HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, content={"status":}, ) if self.is_async: read_conn, write_conn = Pipe() start_perf = time.perf_counter_ns() request = InferenceRequest(write_conn, service_method, method_args) self._request_queue.put(request) response = await _pipe_reader(read_conn) performance_time_ms = (time.perf_counter_ns() - start_perf) / 1e6 if isinstance(response, Exception): raise response prediction = response.outputs inference_time_ms = response.inference_time_ms else: # track time elapsed in nanoseconds only while app is not asleep start_process = time.process_time_ns() # track time elapsed in nanoseconds including any sleep time start_perf = time.perf_counter_ns() infer_fn = getattr(service, service_method) prediction = infer_fn(**method_args) inference_time_ms = (time.process_time_ns() - start_process) / 1e6 performance_time_ms = (time.perf_counter_ns() - start_perf) / 1e6 return Response( status_code=HTTPStatus.OK, headers=self.response_headers, media_type="application/json", content=output_type( output=prediction, analytics=ResponseAnalytics( inference_time_ms=inference_time_ms, performance_time_ms=performance_time_ms, ), ).model_dump_json(), ) # Implementation for form data route. # This function signature is dynamically redefined later based on that of # Service.infer_form_data() if it is implemented, so that FastAPI # can know the parameters and their types when registering the route. async def infer_form_data(**kwargs): return await _infer_common( service_method=ServiceMethod.INFER_FORM_DATA.value, method_args=kwargs, output_type=OutputFormData, ) # Add form data route to FastAPI if implemented. if implements_form_data(service): infer_form_data.__signature__ = transform_form_data_signature(service) OutputFormData = inspect_output_types(service.infer_form_data) "adding endpoint infer_form_data() as %s", service.infer_form_data.__path__, ) path=service.infer_form_data.__path__, endpoint=infer_form_data, methods=["POST"], response_model=OutputFormData, )"/healthcheck") def health() -> JSONResponse: return JSONResponse( status_code=HTTPStatus.OK if self.is_running else HTTPStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, content={"status":, "async_enable": self.is_async}, )"/") def root() -> JSONResponse: return JSONResponse( status_code=HTTPStatus.OK, content={ "docs": "/docs", "openapi": "/openapi.json", }, ) "/infer", response_model=Output, ) async def infer(request: Input) -> Response: return await _infer_common( service_method=ServiceMethod.INFER_JSON.value, method_args={k: v for k, v in request}, output_type=Output, ) # Create endpoint function for additional endpoints def _get_infer_endpoint_fn(method_name: str): async def _infer_endpoint(request: Inputs[method_name]) -> Response: return await _infer_common( service_method=method_name, method_args={k: v for k, v in request}, output_type=Outputs[method_name], ) return _infer_endpoint # Add additional endpoints to FastAPI for method_name, method_info in additional_endpoints.items(): method, method_path = method_info method_path = method_path or f"/{method_name}".replace("_", "-")"adding endpoint %s() as %s", method_name, method_path) path=method_path, endpoint=_get_infer_endpoint_fn(method_name), methods=["POST"], response_model=Outputs[method_name], ) @property def is_running(self): """True when this server instance can serve a request.""" return self.state == self.State.RUNNING @property def state(self): """Get the status of this server.""" return self._state @state.setter def state(self, new_state): """Set the status of the server, and log transition.""""status: %s -> %s", self._state, new_state) self._state = new_state
[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def prepare_for_serving(self): """Context manager that should surround all serving. This is intended to be used as an ASGI application's lifetime handler. """ assert self.state in ( self.State.UNINITIALIZED, self.State.STOPPED, ), f"prepare_for_serving: status not UNINITIALIZED or STOPPED: {self.state}""lifecycle: on_server_startup") self.service.on_server_startup() if self.is_async: self.state = self.State.LAUNCH_PREDICT_LOOP # load_into_memory is handled in predict loop so that subprocess # does all GPU access. self._start_predict_loop() else: self.state = self.State.SETUP_SERVICE self.service.setup() self.state = self.State.RUNNING yield self.state = self.State.SHUTTING_DOWN if self.is_async: self._stop_predict_loop()"lifecycle: on_server_shutdown") self.service.on_server_shutdown() self.state = self.State.STOPPED
async def _check_predict_loop(self): if not self._predict_process.is_alive(): self._start_predict_loop() def _start_predict_loop(self): context = multiprocessing.get_context("spawn") if not self._request_queue: # Only need to create this queue once. This function may be called # multiple times if the predict loop dies. self._request_queue = context.Queue() self._predict_process = context.Process( target=_predict_loop, name="_predict_loop", args=(self.service, self._request_queue), ) self._predict_process.start() read_conn, write_conn = Pipe() def _remove_reader(): asyncio.get_event_loop().remove_reader(read_conn) read_conn.close() def read_startup_message(): try: value = read_conn.recv() except EOFError: asyncio.get_event_loop().remove_reader(read_conn) return if isinstance(value, Exception): _LOG.error("predict loop died during setup", exc_info=value) # Though unconventional, this appears the be the proper way to cleanly # terminate uvicorn. It's not easy to get ahold of # uvicorn.Server.handle_exit() from here. self._stop_predict_loop() os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) if value == _LOAD_MODEL_MESSAGE: if self.state != self.State.LAUNCH_PREDICT_LOOP: _LOG.error( "_read_predict_loop_startup_message: %s message: " "not in expected state: %s", value, self.state, ) _remove_reader() return self.state = self.State.SETUP_SERVICE elif value == _MODEL_LOADED_MESSAGE: if self.state != self.State.SETUP_SERVICE: _LOG.error( "_read_predict_loop_startup_message: %s message: " "not in expected state: %s", value, self.state, ) _remove_reader() return self.state = self.State.RUNNING self._predict_loop_watchdog_task = asyncio.create_task( self._predict_loop_watchdog( # noqa _PREDICT_LOOP_WATCHDOG_SECONDS, self._check_predict_loop # noqa ) ) _remove_reader() asyncio.get_event_loop().add_reader(read_conn.fileno(), read_startup_message) self._request_queue.put(write_conn) def _stop_predict_loop(self): if not self._request_queue: return if self._predict_loop_watchdog_task is not None: self._predict_loop_watchdog_task.cancel() self._request_queue.put(_TERMINATE_PREDICT_LOOP_REQUEST) self._predict_process.join() self._request_queue = None async def _predict_loop_watchdog(self, interval, periodic_function): while True: await asyncio.gather( asyncio.sleep(interval), periodic_function(), )
[docs] def get_api_schema(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the Open API schema for the underlying service.""" return
[docs] def get_usage_examples( self, format: documenter.DocumentationFormat ) -> MustacheGenerationResult: """Return the Mustache generation result for the underlying service.""" return documenter.generate_usage_examples(self.service, format)
[docs] def store_assets(self) -> None: """Run service store assets.""" self.service.store_assets()
[docs] def run(self, port: int, timeout_keep_alive: int): """Run the server exposing the underlying service.""", host="", port=port, timeout_keep_alive=timeout_keep_alive, lifespan="on", )
[docs]def load_service(module_name: str, class_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Service: """Load a class from service implementation.""" try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) if class_name is not None: # if service class is provided, instantiate it class_ = getattr(module, class_name) else: # if service class not provided, look for it class_ = None for name, class_obj in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass): for class_base in class_obj.__bases__: if ( class_base.__module__ == _OCTOAI_SERVICE_MODULE and class_base.__name__ == _OCTOAI_BASE_SERVICE_CLASS ): class_ = class_obj break if class_ is None: raise ValueError( f"Module '{module_name}' contains no classes extending " f"base '{_OCTOAI_SERVICE_MODULE}.{_OCTOAI_BASE_SERVICE_CLASS}'" )"Using service in {module_name}.{class_.__name__}.") return class_() except ModuleNotFoundError: error_msg = f"Module '{module_name}' not found. " if module_name == "service": error_msg += "Ensure your service is defined in" raise ValueError(error_msg)
def _load_server(ctx, async_enable: bool = True) -> Server: service = load_service( ctx.parent.params["service_module"], class_name=ctx.parent.params["service_class"], ) return Server(service, async_enable=async_enable)"server") @click.option( "--log-level", type=click.Choice(["ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG"], case_sensitive=False), default="INFO", envvar="OCTOAI_LOG_LEVEL", ) @click.option("--service-module", default="service") @click.option("--service-class", default=None) @click.pass_context def server(ctx, log_level, service_module, service_class): """CLI for OctoAI server.""" logging.basicConfig( level=log_level, stream=sys.stderr, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s", ) click.echo("octoai server") ctx.ensure_object(dict) @server.command() @click.option("--output-file", default=None) @click.pass_context def api_schema(ctx, output_file): """Generate OpenAPI schema for the given service.""""api-schema") server: Server = _load_server(ctx) schema = server.get_api_schema() if output_file: with open(output_file, "w") as f: json.dump(schema, f, indent=2) else: click.echo(json.dumps(schema, indent=2)) @server.command(hidden=True) @click.option("--no-render", is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option( "--format", required=True, type=click.Choice(["curl", "python"], case_sensitive=False), ) @click.option("--output-file", default=None) @click.pass_context def generate_usage_examples(ctx, no_render, format, output_file): """Generate client usage examples for the given service.""""generate-usage-examples") def convert_format(f: str) -> documenter.DocumentationFormat: if f.lower() == "curl": return documenter.DocumentationFormat.CURL elif f.lower() == "python": return documenter.DocumentationFormat.PYTHON else: raise ValueError(f"format '{f}' is not supported") server: Server = _load_server(ctx) generation_result = server.get_usage_examples(convert_format(format)) if not no_render: rendered_result = chevron.render( generation_result.generated_template, generation_result.template_hash ) if output_file: with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write(rendered_result) else: click.echo(rendered_result) else: if output_file: with open(output_file, "w") as f: json.dump(dataclasses.asdict(generation_result), f, indent=2) else: click.echo(json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(generation_result), indent=2)) @server.command() @click.pass_context def setup_service(ctx): """Run the setup code for the given service.""""setup-service") server: Server = _load_server(ctx, async_enable=False) server.service.setup() @server.command() @click.pass_context @click.option("--port", type=int, default=8080) @click.option("--async-enable", default=True) @click.option( "--timeout-keep-alive", type=int, default=900, help="Connection keep alive timeout in seconds", ) def run(ctx, port, async_enable, timeout_keep_alive): """Run the server for the given service.""""run") maybe_set_volume_environment_variables(ctx) server: Server = _load_server(ctx, async_enable=async_enable), timeout_keep_alive) @server.command() @click.pass_context @click.option("--check-is-needed", is_flag=True) def store_assets(ctx, check_is_needed): """Run the store_assets code for the given model.""""store_assets") if check_is_needed: sys.exit( _STORE_ASSET_NEEDED_CODE if is_store_assets_needed(ctx) else _STORE_ASSET_NOT_NEEDED_CODE ) maybe_set_volume_environment_variables(ctx) server: Server = _load_server(ctx, async_enable=False) server.store_assets() if __name__ == "__main__": server(obj={})