Source code for octoai.service

Contains the base interface that OctoAI endpoints should implement.

Developers that want to create an endpoint should implement the
``Service`` class in this module as directed by the ``octoai`` command-line
import functools
import inspect
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Tuple, Type

import pydantic_core
from fastapi import Form
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, create_model

from .types import File

DEFAULT_VOLUME_PATH = "/octoai/cache"

[docs]def volume_path() -> str: """Get mounted volume path in docker. :return: Docker path. """ docker_path = os.environ.get("OCTOAI_VOLUME_PATH", None) if docker_path: return docker_path else: return DEFAULT_VOLUME_PATH
VOLUME_ENVIRONMENT = { "HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE": os.path.join(volume_path(), "huggingface_hub_cache"), "TORCH_HOME": os.path.join(volume_path(), "torch_home"), }
[docs]class Service(ABC): """ The base interface that OctoAI endpoints should implement. Developers that want to create an endpoint should implement this class as directed by the ``octoai`` command-line interface. """
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """ Perform service initialization. A common operation to include here is loading weights and making those available to the ``infer()`` method in a member variable. """ pass
[docs] def store_assets(self) -> None: """Download model assets.""" pass
[docs] def on_server_startup(self) -> None: """ Perform any necessary initialization when the server starts. This method is separate from setup() because setup() can be called outside the serving context to include weights when building the image. """ pass
[docs] def on_server_shutdown(self) -> None: """Perform any necessary cleanup when the server stops.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def infer(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Perform inference.""" pass
setattr(store_assets, STORE_ASSETS_NOT_OVERRIDDEN, True)
[docs]class ResponseAnalytics(BaseModel): """Additional analytics metadata.""" inference_time_ms: float = Field( description="Inference execution time (without pauses)" ) performance_time_ms: float = Field( description="Inference execution time (including pauses)" )
[docs]def inspect_input_types(method: Callable) -> Type[BaseModel]: """Create Pydantic input model from inference method signature.""" signature = inspect.signature(method) if len(signature.parameters) < 1: raise ValueError(f"{method.__name__}() requires at least one argument") return inspect_input_parameters(signature.parameters)
[docs]def inspect_input_parameters( parameters: Mapping[str, inspect.Parameter] ) -> Type[BaseModel]: """Create Pydnatic input mode from the provided signature.""" args = OrderedDict() for arg_name, arg in parameters.items(): if arg.annotation == inspect.Parameter.empty: raise ValueError("infer() requires type annotations for args") default = ( pydantic_core.PydanticUndefined if arg.default == inspect.Parameter.empty else arg.default ) args[arg_name] = ( arg.annotation, Field(default=default), ) return create_model( "Input", __config__=None, __base__=BaseModel, __module__=__name__, __validators__=None, **args, )
[docs]def inspect_output_types(method: Callable) -> Type[BaseModel]: """Create Pydantic output model from inference method signature.""" signature = inspect.signature(method) if signature.return_annotation == inspect._empty: raise ValueError(f"{method.__name__}() requires a return type annotation") rets = OrderedDict() rets["output"] = (signature.return_annotation, None) rets["analytics"] = (ResponseAnalytics, None) return create_model( "Output", __config__=None, __base__=BaseModel, __module__=__name__, __validators__=None, **rets, )
[docs]def implements_form_data(service: Service) -> bool: """Check if ``infer_form_data()`` is implemented.""" for name, method in inspect.getmembers(service, predicate=inspect.ismethod): if name == "infer_form_data": return True return False
[docs]def transform_form_data_signature(service: Service) -> inspect.Signature: """Add FastAPI Form() defaults to 'str' fields and check compatibility.""" if not hasattr(service.infer_form_data, "__path__"): # type: ignore[attr-defined] raise ValueError( "infer_form_data() must be decorated with @path() " "when using form-data inference." ) if service.infer_form_data.__path__ == "/infer": # type: ignore[attr-defined] raise ValueError("Cannot use /infer for form-data inference.") params = [] signature = inspect.signature(service.infer_form_data) # type: ignore[attr-defined] for param in signature.parameters.values(): if param.annotation == File: params.append(param) elif param.annotation == str: params.append(param.replace(default=Form())) else: raise ValueError("Only File and str params are supported for form data.") if not params: raise ValueError("infer_form_data() must have at least one parameter.") return inspect.Signature(params)
[docs]def find_additional_endpoints(service: Service) -> Mapping[str, Tuple[Callable, str]]: """Find additional methods that should be exposed as endpoints.""" methods = {} reserved_methods = [attr for attr in dir(Service) if not attr.startswith("_")] reserved_methods.append("infer_form_data") for name, method in inspect.getmembers(service, predicate=inspect.ismethod): if name not in reserved_methods and not name.startswith("_"): methods[name] = (method, getattr(method, "__path__", None)) return methods
[docs]def path(path: str): """Specify the path for a service method.""" def wrapped(fn: Callable): @functools.wraps(fn) def wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs): return fn(*args, **kwargs) wrapped_fn.__path__ = path # type: ignore[attr-defined] return wrapped_fn return wrapped